Monday, February 8, 2010

How to Make a Small Space Feel Larger

Lots of people live in a small home, a small room, or just a small space. Not only can small be beautiful but it is also easy and practical. Regardless of your reason for living in a small space you will have to make some compromises in your décor in order to not feel cramped.

Here are some simple suggestions to make a space feel larger.

Clear out the Clutter: Nothing makes a space feel smaller than having too much stuff. Organize what you need and get rid of what you don’t. With things neat and organized the space will definitely feel much larger.

Choose Soft Light Colors: Dark rich colors make a space feel cozy and intimate where light cool colors make a space feel open and airy. Light blues and greens are great options.

Coordinate Wall and Furniture Colors: When you contrast colors it has a tendency to break up the space and make it feel choppy. Your eye will wander from one piece of furniture to the next rather than the room as a whole. In a small room this makes the space feel even smaller.

Lighten up the Space: Any room will look larger if it is well lit. You can accomplish this by getting rid of heavy window treatments and by adding more lighting.

Even if you just choose to do one of the four I promise you that your small cramped apartment will feel larger in no time. Good Luck.

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